Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Britannica online Essay

This is a book proposal that has been created to ensure the children of today are still exposed to the same childhood experiences that we all had years ago. In today’s society we are much more fast paced and immediately are drawn to electronics such as computers, television, movies, ipods, etc†¦ The numbing effect of this constant barrage of information on very young children could lead to a sort of deterioration of values in a small child. Proposed title: Back to the Basics: A Collection of Nursery Rhymes for Today’s Child Introduction: Many of us picked up our own sets of values and morals from what had been passed down to us through tradition. A Nursery Rhyme is a poem or a song, traditionally taught to very young children. Nursery Rhymes in the English language are usually British in origin, dating back to as far as the 16th Century. Aside from the ones imported from England, many Nursery Rhymes also developed in North America (Encyclopedia Britannica online, 2008). These little songs and poems form a sort of symbolic â€Å"backbone† to the continuing cultural and psychological development of the American people and culture. Indeed, at its very core, a Nursery Rhyme is a sort of cultural footprint. While most oral tradition (ex: nursery rhymes) may sound more like nonsense or oversimplified, moralistic tales set to a rhythm and a tune, they carry the symbolic weight of generations past (Bettelheim, 1976). Passed on through tradition and brought alive by the imaginations of the very children who hear them and pass them on, these rhymes bear the values of the culture that created it. For example, Humpty Dumpty’s story reminds us that there are some things that, once broken, can never be mended. In another example, the Itsy Bitsy Spider speaks to us of the value of perseverance. Sometimes, a Nursery Rhyme isn’t just a moral legacy, but a historical one as well: showing us how people lived or worked during the particular time when these rhymes were created. For example, while shepherding may no longer be a common profession, especially in heavily populated urban areas, even children from the inner city are aware that it was once a way of life, thanks to Little Bo Peep and her sheep. Rationale: Nursery Rhymes have been in existence for hundreds of years, but what exactly is the importance in continuing in this tradition? Children are automatically drawn into these stories because of the rhyme, there is rhythm, and they are often about creatures in otherwise unimaginable circumstances, which leads the child’s own imagination to wander. In addition to being an effective vehicle through which a culture propagates and preserves itself, Nursery Rhymes are of particular importance in the development of a young child’s growing language and memory skills. There is a reason that today, even after growing up; we can still remember these little phrases. They have made great impact in our childhood learning schemata and we believe that if they continue to be reintroduced to the children of today, their impact would be highly beneficial. We believe that this book will be a great hit among small children and their parents, and that with the aid of colorful illustrations, this book can be very useful in promoting a child’s mental, psychological, and social development. Methodology: After much deliberation, we decided to limit our selection to the most common and well-loved Nursery Rhymes. We looked through several collections of nursery rhymes, both online and offline, and picked out the ones that occurred the most frequently. Given that we plan to make this book a children’s book, we limited our selection to only four Nursery Rhymes. We chose to do this so that the book could accommodate the illustrations that we hope will be included as visual aids for the children, without being too heavy or cumbersome for even a small child to read and carry. These Nursery Rhymes are as follows: Humpty Dumpty: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses, and all the king’s men, Couldn’t Put Humpty together again. Jack and Jill Jack and Jill went up the hill, To fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown. And Jill came tumbling after The Itsy Bitsy Spider The Itsy Bitsy Spider Climbed up the water spout. Down came the rain And washed the spider out. Out came the sun And dried up all the rain, And the itsy bitsy spider Climbed up the spout again. Little Bo Peep Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep, And can’t tell where to find them. Leave them alone, And they’ll come home, Wagging their tails behind them. Thank you very much for taking the time to read and consider this. We look forward to your timely and positive reply! References Bettelheim, Bruno (1976). Uses of Enchantment: the Importance of Fairy Tales. New York: Knopf Encyclopedia Britannica online, concise version. Nursery Rhymes. retrieved February 3 2008. from http://www. britannica. com/ebc/article-9373775

Holden Caulfield from “The Catcher in The Rye” Essay

â€Å"The Catcher in the Rye† the reader can see the world through his eyes as he is the one narrating the story in first person. Holden is a young teenager, the age of sixteen who is emotionally disturbed and confused boy who is entering the journey of adulthood. Holden is a typical teenager who is rather irritated and disgusted by the society that surrounds him. To me he comes across as a witty individual because of the way he makes fun of, as he likes to call it the â€Å"phony† people in society he comes across with in the novel. He is from a family formed of two parents who seem to be quite wealthy, as they live in an expensive part of New York most people have to be wealthy to live in New York. Holden also was two bothers, D.B. and Allie, Allie whom is dead at the age of thirteen and he has a younger sister Phoebe. During the novel we discover that Holden is rather depressed young man because of his past, with the death of his brother and the failings of his grades in the recent schools he has attended to, he has become unhappy which leads him to have a breakdown. It seems that Holden is very dissatisfied with life and has never had any help during his time of confusion so I figure he is rather week and in some parts of the novel he feels like committing suicide. Holden has a huge sense of moral values, which often seems to interfere with other people’s loss of values. Because of other peoples values he gets frustrated and thinks people are â€Å"phony†. Holden seems to be a rather mean person as you read his feelings and how he feels towards people but it is only what he thinks. When Holden does something wrong he feels really guilty about his behavior and it often eats him up inside. Like the time when he went out with Sally Hayes and he calls her â€Å"a pain in the ass† when she refuses to run away with him, after he feels really guilty and can barely stop thinking about it. He is also a person who can’t get things out of his mind when things bother him like when Ward Stradlater goes out with his old girlfriend Jane Gallagher; throughout the novel he thinks about it a lot and wonders how the date went. Holden hates the movies and loves books. Holden behavior while he is in New York going to bars and meeting women he acts like a adult by smoking and drinking, but he is very critical to others that live that kind of lifestyle. It would be rather hard to see myself as Holden or even acting like him even for a day because I’m very different from him and I’m not as critical towards people as he is. I think it would be difficult to be friends with him because I would always be wondering what he is thinking about me and usually when he does think of someone it is always in a negative way. But still it was easy to identify him because I have friends that are sort of like him and they act the same way.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

7.3 Time Management †Work File

Name: ____ Date: ____ School: ____ Facilitator: ____ 7. 3 Time Management – Work File Read the course resources in order to complete the following tasks. Read the following quotations. In your own words, explain what each quotation means. (10 points each) 1. â€Å"The amount of time available to you never changes. † ____ 2. â€Å"Learning to manage time is an investment in the future. † ____ 3. â€Å"Before you plan how you will use your time, you need to set your priorities. † ____ Using Course Resources answer the following questions. (10 points each) 4. Discuss the three ways time is wasted and how this can be avoided. a. ____ b. ____ c. ____ 5. What are the 4 keys to time management? a. ____ b. ____ c. ____ d. ____ 6. Choose one of the keys to time management and discuss how you can apply it to your daily schedule. ____ 7. Discuss whether or not writing a list and keeping a calendar would make you more efficient and productive. Why or why not? ____ Also read: Food Safety Work File Setting priorities: Fill in the chart below with at least three tasks in each column. First, set the priority of the task by assigning the highest priority task in each column with the number 1 and work down to the least important of the tasks being number 3. Write a time schedule along with the priority of the task. (10 points each) MUST DO|IMPORTANT TO DO|LIKE TO DO| Ex. 1. Finish health assignments-3:30 PM ____ |1. Turn in additional health assignments-4:30 PM ____? |1. Read additional information on health assignments! 5:00 PM____

Monday, July 29, 2019

What is communication How do you think that the meaning of Essay

What is communication How do you think that the meaning of communication has evolved in recent years Where is communication going - Essay Example Despite the fact that people speak numerous languages they still try to find a common meaning in everything that happens around. So it is communication that allows us solving problems effectively between people, building relationships, and arranging effective work. It is communication that leads to interaction and makes the world go round. Communication basically is the act of information (which can vary from facts and statistics to the most subtle emotions) transmission from one person to another with the purpose of connections establishment and its further development between people. Communication usually means information transmission with the help of verbal and non-verbal (with the help of gestures and facial expressions) means. Communication is inevitable because any human activity is impossible without it and it is the only method of effective interaction. There are several conditions for real communication. There need to be at least two participants for performing communication. And of course there have to be the information to be transmitted. They have to pass the information, feelings, ideas in order to create some shared common meaning and understand each other. Communication is meant to connect people or groups of people and make them understand something is more or less similar way. However, it is strange to realize that most of what people are trying to transmit in the course of verbal communication gets distorted. It happens because there is no possibility that the information that was encoded will be absolutely equal to the information that was decoded. It reminds interpretation from English to Chinese, no matter how accurate it will be the meaning still be slightly different because people of different cultures do not perceive different concepts in the same way. So there are numerous reasons why message is often perceived wrong: cultural and traditional differences, focusing on personal

Sunday, July 28, 2019

In Order to Have a Successful Organisation, the Most Important Thing Essay

In Order to Have a Successful Organisation, the Most Important Thing for Management Is to Get Culture Right - Essay Example Organizational Culture has emerged to be one of the most crucial factors that strongly influence the performance of an organization. In recent years, organizational culture has gained considerable attention from managers because of that it is extremely significant in relation to meeting the industry needs for greater effectiveness and the material and social needs of employees in order to create a constructive work-environment and foster high performance working. Organizations put efforts to develop ‘right kind of culture’, culture with quality’ or a culture of customer service’ and managers most often try to inculcate certain values in their organizations. There are widespread assumptions as better or worse cultures and stronger or weaker cultures and more importantly the ‘right’ kind of culture influence the effectiveness and success factors of the organization (Schein, 2004, p. 7). Organizational culture is the system of shared actions, values and beliefs that are developed and established within an organization and this influence its members to guide and shape their behavior (Schermerhorn, Hunt and Osborn, 2005, p. 436). As McShane and Von Glinow (2004, p. 476) noted, organizational culture refers to a basic pattern of shared values, assumptions and beliefs that are considered to be the right way of thinking and acting on problems and opportunities facing the organization. According to them, organizational culture is the DNA of an organization because it is not only invisible to the naked eye but also a very powerful template or tool that can shape what happens within an organization.... No individuals have same behavior and personality and likewise, organizations also have very different and unique culture, and therefore, organizational culture can also be termed as organization’s personality. People in any organization are considered to be the most valuable, powerful and high-valued assets and therefore utilizing these resources more effectively and strategically seems to be the underlying principle of organizational behaviour. People in an organization may belong to different cultures, social setting and life-style, but when the organization is able to create, design and establish a culture of its own by aligning and integrating the shared values among the people, the organization will also be able to be successful in achieving the goals. Do organizations require forming and structuring a specific culture and getting it right? If managers target better organizational performance, if they look at increased productivity of employees and thus to earn higher pr ofitability, if they would like to achieve high performance working and they like to maintain sustainable competitive advantages, the answer to the above question is certainly ‘yes’. Especially in today’s competitive business environment, complex marketing contexts, complicated technological advancements and in times of globalized economies, managers need to identify the organizational culture, design and structure its features, understand its significances in terms of business opportunities and evaluate its benefits to the business as well. Smircich (1983, p. 344) described that organizations are social instruments that produce goods and services and thus they produce cultural artifacts like rituals, legends and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Extended definitions of love Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Extended definitions of love - Essay Example In most cultures all over the world, love is seen to be first and foremost directed to one’s family. The family is considered the primary unit of society where every individual starts to be exposed to life’s experiences. Love in the family begins with love between spouses as husbands and wives decide to leave their respective nuclear families to unite and form a new one. As parents, they accord love and unrelentless support to the children. Mothers are revealed to express unconditional love to their offsprings. Fathers provide financial, physical and emotional support. Children return the love by just being there to provide happiness and assistance, as needed.   The power of love that surrounds family members transcends barriers of time, space and location and is therefore considered universal and continually existing and persisting since time immemorial up to today.  Love for a divine and Supreme Being reigns differently according to cultural orientation. The relig ious beliefs, traditions, values and practices encompass teachings of love and equal treatment for the lives and existence of others. In the Catholic religion, for instance, love for God is taught within the first four commandments, which were summed as: â€Å"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind" (All About Truth, par. 15). It comes before oneself, one’s family, and above all else. Regular attendance to masses and observing the sacraments attest to the love.... Love for God is manifested through following the commandments and teachings. Learning more about God is initially introduced by parents and slowly reinforced through subjects of religion and Christian values from primary education until the secondary level. Regular attendance to masses and observing the sacraments attest to the love and devotion expected of disciples to the Catholic faith. Love for Neighbors Concurrent with teachings of the faith and one the commandments of God are to love one’s neighbor as oneself. It is manifested as the Golden Rule (Teaching Values, 2009) or the ethics of reciprocity. Loving one’s neighbors require respect for human rights and their purpose for existence. However, a more admirable love for neighbors is exemplified by people such as Mother Teresa of Calcutta who showed love, compassion and offered her life and service to those in need. Her Missionaries of Charity was an organization created to â€Å"to love and care for those persons nobody was prepared to look after. In 1965 the Society became an International Religious Family by a decree of Pope Paul VI† (The Nobel Foundation, par. 2). This love entails self-sacrifice and putting the needs of others above oneself. Mother Teresa was determined to seek for assistance in terms of providing for the physiological (food, clothing, shelter, medicines, health care) and spiritual love for the needy. Love of this kind is exemplary and challenging as one finds the means and ways beyond one’s capabilities to ensure that the needs of others, deemed to be more relevant, are taken cared of. Love of this nature sometimes defies explanation but is rooted from the Divine love for God – unselfish, unconditional love directed to others

Friday, July 26, 2019

History Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 13

History - Assignment Example John River a through the Lake St. John and Lake Nipissing to the south end. East Florida, on the other hand, was bounded to the west by the Gulf of Mexico and Apalachicola River. In the same way, West Florida was enclosed by the Gulf of Mexico on the south. Lastly, islands of Grenada, together with Grenadines and the Islands of Dominico, St. Vincents and Tobago, shall be put under the care and inspection by the Governor of Newfoundland. If someone had already settled on those lands reserved for Indians, then these people shall be forced to immediately remove themselves from the settlements. To facilitate this action, the governors and commanders-in-chief of all colonies as well as those under the Government and Direction of Proprietaries will implement the provisions in the treaty. Also, officers in the military and those under the Management and Direction of Indian Affairs shall arrest those who will commit crimes and violate the treaty. Violators shall be subjected to trial in the colony where the crime is committed. People are not allowed to buy land from the Indians because, according to the government, because people are connected with the tribe. Also, since it is assumed that the Indians live under the protection of the people, the crown took the responsibility of protecting hunting grounds for Indians. In this way, their possession in their dominions and territories will not be disturbed or

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Economy in relation to environmental protection. Environment and Essay

Economy in relation to environmental protection. Environment and Sustainable Development - Essay Example The need to protect the environment has presented critical global challenges that require immediate responses. The linked environmental, economic, social and political issues all falling under the sustainable development framework require a delicate balancing act between competing interests whilst at the same time taking decisive strides towards protecting scarce resources that are becoming even scarcer by the day. This paper will talk about the main difference between the Stockholm Declaration and the Rio Summit -- mainly that the Rio Summit solidifies the linkage between development and the environment, acknowledging that the two concepts are inextricably intertwined. Environmental considerations have to be incorporated in the development process, and human development should be considered in environmental protection mechanisms. It is illuminating to compare Principle 1 of the Stockholm declaration with Principle 1 of the Rio Declaration. The former reads as follows: â€Å"Man has the fundamental right to freedom, equality and adequate conditions of life, in an environment of a quality that permits a life of dignity and well being, and he bears a solemn responsibility to protect and improve the environment for present and future generations.† In contrast, the Rio Declaration reads as follows: â€Å"Human beings are at the centre of concerns for sustainable development†, and that, â€Å"They are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature.†... A rights-based approach is important because it makes the State duty-bearers, or imposes and obligation on them to ensure that environmental rights of their citizens and other human beings are guaranteed and protected. There are critics, however, who feel that there was a dilution in focus on environmental protection from Stockholm to Rio, and even all the way to Johannesburg. To quote the Center for International Environmental Law, â€Å"Whereas Stockholm brought to light transboundary and global environmental issues, Rio and Johannesburg incorporated a development dimension that required analysis not only of environmental issues but also of economic and social issues. (2012, p.2)† As further observed by CIEL: While integration of these issues is key to effective environment and development outcomes, this change in focus has, to a large extent, over?burdened the agenda resulting from the last two summits, posing significant strains on the ability of international institutions and other governance arrangements to effectively address the broad array of issues involved in the umbrella concept of sustainable development.  Ã‚  At the same time, the international agenda that emerged in relation to sustainable development appears to have prioritized the economic aspects over the social and environmental dimensions.  Ã‚  In this regard, there is a real risk that Rio+20's green economy theme could eclipse thE other dimensions of sustainable development, as well as the need for reforms in institutional governance.   (2012, p. 2) However, this paper argues that talking about the economy in relation to environmental protection is important. The first is because scarcity is a vital concept of sustainable

Analyze the Capital Cycle (healthcare related) Assignment

Analyze the Capital Cycle (healthcare related) - Assignment Example There are two components of a capital structure. The first comprises of strategic planning and implementation, while the second comprises of the development of supporting infrastructure which include financial planning, capital structure and capital allocation. The importance of a financial plan to an organization is that it places the organization in financial equilibrium position, which defines its organizational capabilities. The financial infrastructure plays an important role in giving integrity and momentum to the capital cycle. Capital structure on its part looks at the questions relating to the financing of the organization, which is best described as a combination of debt and equity that seeks to finance the strategic plan. Capital allocation should be done in consideration with the best practices that relate to financial objectives and policies, review of the project and the approval of the capital expenditures of the organization. ... Poplin (2011) observes that capital capacity has significantly reduced the hospital capacity, and defined the amount of capital available to the organization for funding both the routine capital requirements and the strategic plan of moving forward. Feasibility and impact of improved operating performance shows that organizations geographically located in markets that do not expect to experience organic growth have difficulties in closing the gap between projected sources and the application of finances over that time horizon. Strategic position and viability of strategic plans cautions executives to look closely at the strategic plans in line with the current financial plan. Some strategies may have to be extended to a later date while others may require some urgency in implementation. According to Coss (2009), labour efficiency in a healthcare institution is an important factor in the capital cycle. However, it is difficult to access individual worker’s productivity of the o rganization. In case it has to be done, a desired understanding of what defines a desired output is put into consideration. Healthcare investments that are aimed at improving the efficiency are increasing being considered by organizations. The various processes that are put into more focus include the workflow analysis, workplace architecture, product design, and information technology. The major difference is vested on the persons involved in the purchase of equipment and the actual users of the equipment. Different sets of purchasing and marketing motivators affect the purchasing decisions of high ranking decision making officials in a different way than those who regularly put the equipment to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

US Airways Group - At the Back of the Pack Essay

US Airways Group - At the Back of the Pack - Essay Example Ever since the industry was deregulated in 1978 intense competition and price gauging has made profitability increasingly difficult for the airline industry in general. After the stock market crash of 2008 and the economic recession that followed coupled with rising fuel costs were the direct cause of several airlines having to file for bankruptcy protection (Plunkett Research, 2010). The airline companies that survived the onslaught were presented with a volatile and fluctuating operating environment of rising fuel and energy costs, coupled with a decreased demand for passenger travel in general and negative impact on revenues mainly as a direct result of the economic downturn. The rising costs have cut the margins in the industry so much that current the average net margin in the airline industry is two percent. The period of 2008 and 2009 remained a very challenging period for all the airlines with most of them struggling to remain profitable. For 2010 with the slow economic recovery businesses as well as private travel has increased significantly in volume, so occupancy rates in general for the airline industry have been full. When airlines are able to fill the seats of their airplanes to full capacity the company is optimizing the productivity of the operation. When the latter occurs and companies have idle capacity issues airlines have to take drastic measures to fill those seats which includes price deductions to spur the demand for air travel. After the previous years of consecutive losses the airline industry in general returned to profitability. U.S. Airways just like any other domestic airline is subject to a complicated array of laws and regulations that limit their operations as well dramatically increasing their operating costs. With the advent of the Aviation and Transportation security Act of 2001 which mandated the standardization and federalization of airport security and mandated additional security procedures which increased operational costs tremendously airlines had to absorb the costs and imposed a per passenger tax on ticket sales in order to fund the additional security measures. The Federal Aviation A dministration is the federal agency responsible for regulating the airline industry operations, procedures and their operational safety, including aircraft maintenance. The FAA will regularly issue new directives and changes in maintenance schedules and procedures which create mandated operational costs that are also a factor in increasing airline operational expenses. Other proposals to address airport congestion in certain airports in the U.S. involve increasing pricing to take into account congestion or placing a tax on certain particularly congested airports. This could potentially affect the airline industry in the near future by further increasing the costs of passengers to travel if these changes or suggestions are placed into law (Datamonitor, 2010). Further regulations and government legislation concerning pollution, climate change and aircraft emissions also post a significant operational threat to the airline industry as a whole. In the list of Fortune 1,000 : Most admire d companies 2006, U.S. Airways Group was consistently ranked lowest in all the eight key attributes that were taken into account. U.S. Airways Group achieved an overall score of 3.25 placing it as the least admired airline out of all the major competitors. For this survey U.S. Airways was ranked last in the industry in four of the eight

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Narrative of the life of Olaudah Equiano Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Narrative of the life of Olaudah Equiano - Essay Example It was one of the earliest first-hand accounts of slavery, documenting the experiences of an immigrant to England and the tortures he suffers as a slave to white men. The identity that Equiano adopts in his work is that of a native of Essaka, a village near the river Niger that is located in modern day Nigeria. In the village, his father occupies a respectable position as an elder in the village. But Equiano is sold off to slave traders at the tender young age of ten and a half years. This is the first indictment against slavery, because in narrating his experiences in being exchanged among various owners, Equiano is also able to highlight the bitter travesty that had denied him his heritage as the son of a respectable village elder, stripping him of the respect that could potentially have been his, in exchange for an oppressive existence. Throughout his book, Equiano narrates several incidents to demonstrate how demeaning and oppressive the practice of slavery was. One of these was his arrival in Virginia where he was purchased by a Navy lieutenant named Pascal. One of the first things Pascal did upon buying Equiano was to change his name to Gustavus Vassa. Equiano resisted this name change and boldly demanded another name that he liked. But his master forced him to accept the name he had chosen by beating and shackling him until he agreed to do so. The name Gustavus Vassa was an uncommon choice and was not a name that Equiano particularly liked. Simon has offered the view that one of the reasons propelling Pascal to the choice of such a Latinized name could have been that the lieutenant had served on a ship with that name and therefore experienced a sentimental attachment to it (Schama, 161-162).

Monday, July 22, 2019

Cady and Brutus Essay Example for Free

Cady and Brutus Essay Brutus and Cady emerge as the most complex characters in Julius Caesar and Mean Girls respectively. They are each stories tragic heroes. In each of their soliloquies, the audience gains insight into the complexities of their motives. Brutus is a powerful public figure, but he appears also as a husband, a master to his servants, a dignified military leader, and a loving friend. Cady starts off as virtually nothing, but eventually becomes a direct parallel in terms of Brutus’s power. The conflicting value systems that battle with each other in the play as a whole are enacted on incredibly small level in Brutus’s mind. Even after Brutus has committed the assassination with the other members of the conspiracy, questions remain as to whether, in light of his friendship with Caesar, the murder was a noble, decidedly selfless act or proof of a truly evil callousness, a gross indifference to the ties of friendship and a failure to be moved by the power of a truly great man. Brutus’s rigid idealism is both his greatest virtue and his most deadly flaw. In the world of the play, where self-serving ambition seems to dominate all other motivations, Brutus lives up to Antony’s elegiac description of him as â€Å"the noblest of Romans.† However, his commitment to principle repeatedly leads him to make mistakes that cost him much: wanting to curtail violence, he ignores Cassius’s suggestion that the conspirators kill Antony as well as Caesar. In another moment of rampant idealism, he again ignores Cassius’s advice and allows Antony to speak a funeral oration over Caesar’s body. As a result, Brutus forfeits the authority of having the last word on the murder and thus allows Antony to incite the shocked Roman crowd to riot against Brutus and the other conspirators. This is similar to when Regina George incites the entire school into chaos using the â€Å"burn book.† Brutus later endangers his good relationship with Cassius by self-righteously condemning what he sees as dishonorable fund-raising tactics on Cassius’s part. This is similar to how Cady views Regina, with respect and with friendship, but also with contempt. In all of these episodes, Brutus acts out of a desire to limit the self-serving aspects of his actions; ironically, however, in each incident he dooms the very cause that he seeks to promote, thus serving no one at all. The changes that shape Brutus and Cady are very interesting because they correlate so well. These changes occur because of the spurring of other characters. In Julius Caesar, Brutus is spurred on by Cassius and his conspirator band. In Mean Girls, Cady is spurred on by Janice (who is Cassius’s parallel). This spurring directly influences the characters actions and thoughts. Brutus probably wouldn’t ever have acted on this plot if it wasn’t for Cassius’s flattering comments. Cady wouldn’t have followed her path if she didn’t befriend or follow Janice’s ideas. Brutus and Cady develop along the same line in their respective stories, which is to be expected as they are the same character in similar settings.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Vision Of Audi Company Marketing Essay

The Vision Of Audi Company Marketing Essay Mr.August Hoch originated a company named Horch and Co in 1899 and then he developed his first automobile in 1901. As he encountered management problem, he left his company in 1909 and created a new company called Audi afterward. The brand of Audi Automobile in 1910 was GmbH and Audi continue to produce cars until the First World War. In 1931, Auto Union was formed. Before Second World War, this union among manufacturers had prodigious success. Manufacturers had a new start in Ingolstadt, Germany after the war as a lot of military vehicles maintenance and spare parts were needed. Since Auto Union unable to generate massive profit, the company was closed in 1960 and coincidently permitted the rediscovery of Audi. The vision of Audi Company is Audi- the premium brand. Audi Company emphasized its core brand Audi on the challenges of the future when adopting its strategy 2020. This strategy became firmer contour since Year 2011 because the mission of Audi Company We delight customers worldwide was explored deeper. Audi products are convincing in its brand values, sportiness, permissiveness and also superiority. The mission statement also plays an important role on the path to lead Audi to become the leading premium brand. Audi defined its customer delight in four areas of action which are, we define innovation, we live responsibility, we create experience, and we shape Audi. There are also four objectives of Audi Company which are continuous growth, superior financial growth, global image leader and attractive employer worldwide. Generally, target market is defined by gender, age, social-economic grouping, geography or any other combination of demographics. Audi Company targets on upper middle class consumers which comprises of professional employees at the upper level of company ladder, celebrities and businessman. Besides that, most of the Audi products are designed to be high in velocity therefore Audi targets male rather than female as according to surveys, majority of the female will not purchase a automobile because of its high velocity but they are only focusing on the artistic design and comfort level that a vehicle can offer whereas for men, high velocity will be the main criteria. Moreover, male which have age ranging from 30 to 65 years old are more preferred because Audi, for now, are non-economical product, it is impossible for young men who are still fresh in the society to afford a luxury car. Marketing Mix Strategies Promotion Promotion is one of the key elements of marketing mix strategies that informing, persuading and influencing a consumer decision. The components of the promotion mix are personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, publicity and direct marketing. Audi implemented a strong marketing strategy consisting of digital and television advertising in order to hit their target sales. According to the journal Audi all-time sales record driven by strong digital advertising, it stated that Audis TV advertising helping it top 100,000 vehicles sold in United States for the first time in 2010(Rachel Lamb, 2010). Besides that, another Audi strong initiative is its social media and digital strategy. For instance, Audi consistently updates its company news or products new feature through social networking sites such as Facebook and its own Web to make sure consumer can get the latest news instantly. Direct marketing is a channel that allows business to communicate straight to the customer. As a major car manufacturer, Audi does not only focus on innovation but also tried to attract new customer. Audi targeted prospective buyers with a mailer which using Royal Mails Mailsort ® 1400 service to deliver it. This mailer would deliver the new technological features that the new vehicle model had. Sales promotion is one of the key elements in promotion strategy that offer incentives for buyer to purchase the selected items. However, Audi doesnt do much sales promotion compare to other car companies such as Toyota, Nissan and Honda. The sales promotion of Audi company deals offered only happen at dealership level. They usually dont rely on these kinds of promotions because Audi has already established their brand in the automobiles world. Moreover, Audi utilizes personal selling techniques in their entire retail store. The salesperson in Audi retail stores are knowledgeable of the brand and should be trained to understand what their customers are looking for. Personal selling can be considered as an important source of marketing information. The salesperson should act as problem solvers and advisor for customer rather than using hard-selling strategy, it might help Audi to build a long-term relationship with customers. Besides that, Audi also sends representatives to retail stores to keep sale associate up to date on their merchandise and the technology behind to give the consumer better feel of the product. Pricing Marketers are concern on the pricing strategy with the objectives to be competitive and to raise profit as well as return on investment. Setting the right price is vital to trigger the companys impressions towards the potential customers. Audi as a luxurious brand with prestige brand image hires premium pricing as one of its pricing strategies. The price of a product will affect customers perceptions towards its quality. Customers often associate prestige with high prices because it is common that high quality raw materials and components are never cheap. Therefore it is reasonable for Audi to position its brand through premium pricing. According to Bojan IliĆ¡ and Vesna MiliĆ¡eviĆ¡, the business history of a number of enterprises proved that reducing in price for certain prestige products brought negative effect on sales. In fact, Audi automobiles, the quality leader, are always for society of at least upper-middle class. Below is a diagram regarding price-quality strategies. pricing strategy.jpg Source: Besides, like other automobile companies, Audi also uses optional product pricing. All companies will not hesitate to increase the amount customers spend once they start purchasing, so do Audi. There are optional or extra products or equipment for customers to add on to their automobiles. For instance, customers can choose to equip their vehicles with pearl colour effect with an additional charge of RM4,000 or the normal one. Other optional equipments that Audi offers are Bang Olufsen sound system, electronically opening closing tailgate, panaromic glass roof and MMI navigation system with reverse camera. Another pricing strategy that Audi employs is geographical pricing strategy. This pricing strategy is quite useful as there are variations in prices in different parts of the world. A very good example is that Audi vehicles are cheaper in Langkawi Island than in Peninsular Malaysia. This strategy may not seem fair for areas which pay higher price but Audi makes professional pricing decision based on the distance and economic situation of the those areas to avoid negative impact on the demand of its products. Product Product strategy includes tangible and intangible elements. Tangible products are things that we can see, touch, and feel whereas intangible products comprise things such as the image of the offering and the psychological aspects of pricing. For instance, customer will form a perception that expensive goods are usually high quality products. As known worldwide, Audi produces different types and classes of luxury cars to suit the taste and preference of the demanding customers. Automobile that Audi offer ranges from normal family suite sedan car to throttling speed sports cars. However, the technology use in building each automobile is similar which fulfill two of the product strategy criteria- product features and product quality. The body frames of the cars that Audi produces are fully galvanized to prevent corrosion and rusting. Additionally, the full-body zinc coating has proved to be very effective in preventing rust. Moreover, the bodys resulting durability even surpassed Audis own expectations, causing the manufacturer to extend its original 10-year warranty against corrosion perforation to currently 12 years and this factor has form a perception for the customer that Audi automobiles are superior in quality and cars made to last. Besides body frame, even the space frame and engine, all are building using high quality materials. Furthermore, the design and layout of the automobile are attractive and unique. Audi refused to adopt the traditional rear-wheel drive layout favored by its two arch rivals Mercedes-Benz and BMW, preferring either front-wheel drive or all-wheel drive. Besides, Audi also have a deep length of product line. Audi Company target both upper class and middle class customers by producing normal sedan cars to sports cars and even MPV cars. The models are classified into normal Audi cars, Audi coupà ©s and SUVs, S (Sport) and RS (RennSport/Racing) models. With each of these category lines, Audi came out various models with different design and specification so that it can further penetrate the market of automobiles. Additionally, Audi also apply branding strategy where the brand of Audi symbolizes the four overlapping rings. The four rings represent the four labels of Auto Union: Audi, DKW, Horch, and Wanderer. Place Under marketing mix strategy, place actually is refer to distribution of the product. This means that all aspects which related to how goods and services are transfer from the producer to the end consumer. This also indicates that how is the coordination of wholesalers or retailers involved in moving those products from head office, factory or warehouse, to the end consumer. Audi sites comprise the two German plants in the worldwide network, which are in Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm. There are seven production facilities which are in China, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Slovakia, Spain and Belgium. The channels using by Audi is from producer to distributor to wholesaler to dealer and to customer. Euromobil Sdn Bhd is one of the distributors for Audi who buys large quantities of Audi cars from manufacturer and then creates smaller units and delivers the cars to their customer. It opened a state-of-the-art Audi Hangar which cost around RM30 million to provide as a one-stop centre for Audi customers. With well-equipped work bays, Euromobil intend to provide a complete services support and convenience to Audi customers. Audi also expanded its distribution network by opening a brand new showroom in the financial capital which located in Mumbai. Car dealers are important in promoting and selling their products. A dealer network and team understand what a brand, product, enterprise, competition and consumers really mean is the key to Audis success in marketing. Audi City London is an innovative dealership experience delivered by one of the most advanced technology retail environment. This digital environment features multi-touch display help configuring Audi vehicle from millions of possible combinations. This will help people place greater emphasis on a direct personal bond of trust with their vehicle brand. In addition, Audi are very convenience to access, there are sold in specialized outlets, shopping mall and also major department stores. For example, there was an Audi Display zone from 31 August to 2 September 2012 at Orion Mall, Malleswaram. Therefore, people will easily get the latest information about Audi and can easily get them. Market Opportunities Audi was known as one of the top automobile producer in the world for its sports series cars and also normal sedans which are the dream cars of almost all car owners. By just relying on the current market will not be sufficient for the rapidly changing customer preferences but to come up with new innovative ideas to maintain and expand its market opportunities. We discovered a way that Audi Company might find it useful way in grabbing its market opportunity by modifying its cars especially the S (sports) and RS (RennSport/Racing) models to strengthen the image of the company by building fantastic sports series cars that no one ever built. To be outstanding, Audi must produce car which beyond what everyone is doing which is having a jet powered engine with the complement of rocket building material which are able to withstand intensive heat and even can absorb large impact during collision, and the last one will be the fuelling system will be 100% eco-friendly and economical. The first step is to use a jet engine instead of the normal valve engine to be empowered its car. By applying the jet powered engine inside our sports cars which approximately will reach a speed of 450mph, it will replace Bugatti Veyron to be the fastest sports car in the world and lets name it as Audi TurBoo. It is a limited edition product. Although Audi TurBoo is such a high velocity sports car it still can withstand a large impact when collide with object. To complement its high velocity, Audi company should joint venture with one of the rocket building company that supply rocket and rocket spare parts to NASA- Rockwell International company, by having their supply on building material, technology and labor power (expertise) they can build the car chesses using titanium and aluminum to help keep the car weight down which contributes to faster velocity and higher resistance against any impact. Furthermore, the car body will be build using the same material but in the middle of the two pieces of metal it contains the Reinforced carbon-carbon (RCC) and thermal tiles which are the components that provide for the most heat protection for a during breaking through our atmosphere and out to space, these material are used where reentry temperature exceeds 1,260  °C (2,300  °F). For the last thing that customer ever considers about is the fueling system. The fuel is cheaper than the price of a liter of petrol can cost. First of all, for the fuel part, the cars are going to run on liquid hydrogen and oxygen, Hydrogen, a light and extremely powerful propellant it has the lowest molecular weight of any known substance and burns with extreme intensity (5,500 °F). In combination with an oxidizer such as liquid oxygen, liquid hydrogen yields the highest specific impulse, or efficiency in relation to the amount of propellant consumed, of any known propellant and yet they also are storable, transportable, reliable, less complex and the most important thing is it just 98cents per gallon. Other than modifying a sports car, Audi should form a subsidiary company to target younger middle market which is the majority population. The subsidiary company adopts operation of the parents company and is under the supervision of Audi. We suggest that the name of the new subsidiary company to be JIMT, this name is created based on the initial of four founders of the new subsidiary company and it is easy to be pronounced and remembered. JIMT Atom is a mini sized economical car produce under Audi Company which target at young and upper-middle class buyers. The small but perfectly formed JIMT Atom takes the small luxury car spoils for comfortable compare to other mini sized car. On the move, it makes consumer feels as solid and composed as Audis bigger and more expensive models vehicle, while the petrol and diesel engine delivers a strong blend of performance and economy. As despite its premium image, Audi would not cost a fortune to run this project. An attractively priced, low tax bills, rock-solid resale values and pre-paid servicing package help Audi keep running costs to a minimum level. Besides, standard feature of JIMT Atom include LED interior lighting package, Xenon plus headlamps, light and rain sensor as well as automatic air conditioning. The LED interior lighting provides several alternatives of lighting for the interior of JIMT Atom. Furthermore, Xenon plus headlamps use less energy consumption and last longer than standard dipped lights. The light, rain and air condition sensor is an optional feature in which headlights, wiper and air condition function automatically according to the weather. Among the advantages of owning a small car like JIMT Atom is fuel saving because it consumes lesser fuel and energy without affecting the performance standard. As many people emphasize on maneuverability of vehicles, small cars are easier to control and are much easier to park in crowded parking spaces. Moreover, JIMT Atom is able to pick up speed more quickly than other heavier vehicles. Recommendations To implement the market opportunities that mentioned above, Audi Company is suggested to hire world famous celebrity to be the spokesperson of their developed products. Celebrities not only bring enormous impact toward their adorers but also influence the publics purchasing behaviour. The reason behind this phenomena is because public has the psychological perception that a product is of superior quality with the renowned spokesperson. This also indirectly promotes the new innovated products through the spokespersons popularity. For instance, we suggest Audi Company to hire a young pop star such as Girls Generation, Justin Bieber and Hyuna to advertise JIMT Atom. JIMT Company will sponsor JIMT Atom to the contracted spokesperson for the usage in his/her concert, movie or music video. By this way, the rate of exposure of JIMT Atom will be higher rather than displaying in the traditional showroom. Therefore, the chain effect of hiring young pop star is increase in sales by obtaining support from younger generation as they would like to imitate their idols trend. Moreover, increasing rate of exposure leads to strong brand position and preference which caused JIMT Atom to become the first brand choice whenever the public think of buying a vehicle. As for Audi TurBoo, we would like to recommend Audi Company to hire a famous racer such as Michael Schumacher and sponsor him a brand new Audi TurBoo for racing competition. With his professional skills and techniques, we are pretty sure that this sports car best suited him as he has the capability to bring out the innate qualities of Audi TurBoo. Thus, the strengths of this product are explicitly revealed and intensely impress the public. Hence, public confidence towards Audi Company will be greatly boosted making the reliability of Audis product to be increase undoubtedly. In order to obtain higher profit, we propose Audi Company to organize a tour which permits Audis loyal customer to have a visit at Audis manufacturing department with the main objective to deliver the information about Audis high credibility and guaranteed product quality. Potential customers will have the opportunity to recognize the utmost effort of Audis management before a product is being commercialized to the market. Paying a visit to the manufacturing department also allows the visitors to witness the conscientiousness of Audis workers in accomplishing their tasks. In return, loyal supporters will definitely transform as advocators and circulate the good name of Audi to the people whom they associate. Since buying a vehicle is a high involvement purchasing decision, inviting potential customers for a tour to the manufacturing department, in fact, is helping them to collect as much information as possible which they absolutely need in making a purchasing decision. By comparing the information gathered, customers can easily differentiate the merits of JIMT Atom or Audi TurBoo with other similar products such as Mini Cooper Coupe, Volkswagen Beetle, BMW Z4 coupe and Lamborghini Gallardo. As for the welfare of potential customers, this may assist them in making a right investment decision as well as improve customer satisfaction. As mentioned, Audi TurBoo is a limited edition product in which its core purpose is to enhance the brand image rather than gain profit because of its high technological product which signifies a logo of success. Although Audi TurBoo is unaffordable for majority, producing Audi TurBoo will not cause a penny loss to the company but instead the up surged brand image boost up the sales of other products of Audi, a few example, JIMT Atom, Audi R8 and Audi A6. Audi TurBoo symbolizes the highest achievement of prestige automobile industry, resulting Audi Company as the quality leader and placing Audi in the most competitive position in continuous motion. In a nutshell, we strongly recommend Audi to set up subsidiary company- GIMT and produce GIMT Atom under the umbrella of Audi and implement the concept of Audi TurBoo into practice to enhance the sales of all ranges of Audi products. Conclusion In summary, Audi Company fully utilized the 4Ps marketing mix strategies to produce their products with its luxurious, exclusive capability to display style and comfort together to improve customers satisfaction and attract new customers. Audi keep tracks with the needs and wants of the people and designs its cars to meet the requirements of the people to gain sales for its company. Moreover, Audi has shown its significant progress in the field of technological innovations and superiority as it puts a lot of attentiveness and effort to success in automobile industry. The Audi Company also employed workers who are dedicated and hardworking and those workers really formed Audi excellently with their innovative, creative and class-apart design. From this assignment, we can understand and gain more knowledge about 4Ps marketing mix strategies. Besides that, we also know that how important marketing strategy and marketing mix for a company to success in the market and also the way how company can use marketing mix effectively to sustain competitively in the market. Through this assignment, we also know that creativity and innovative in developing new products is very important to gain competitive advantages among its competitors. 3483words

Film Analysis: South of the Border

Film Analysis: South of the Border South of the border- Film Analysis Social media has been a great influencer in this present reality. This current generation has been depending so much on the social media to the extent of believing all the things they have been reporting. Recently, a certain new report of a local station about the ‘mysterious disease’ immediately got the attention of the people. The said province in which the disease was found is Pangasinan. After a few moments, a hashtag trended, people were tremendously scared concluding that a prediction was fulfilled. This is an example of how mass media has fed informations to its audiences. Later on, they found out that it was a skin disease which can be cured. Facebook, twitter and instagram are just some of the social networking sites that communicate news and most of the Filipinos are subscribed to them. Imagine how fast these news travel just by clicking the post or tweet button. That button has been an empowerment for an ordinary person to tell the world what is happening. Soc ial media, specifically, the current news programs are the source of our knowledge regarding the current economic status of our country, current social issues which affect our country and other aspects related to the Philippines. A primary reason why Filipinos are really into social media is that they want to be updated and be a part of the hot issues. The film â€Å"South of the Border† exhibits how the mass media influenced the minds of the people. At the start of the film, newscasters are telling the audiences that a certain dictator chews coca everyday. They were pronouncing it like cocoa and considered it as a joke. They said that the leader was a drug addict. Hugo Chavez is the president of Venezuela. He won the 1997 presidential race to a Ms. Universe, in the film the race was coined the Beauty and the Beast. Even though he was imprisoned, the Venezuelan people still believed and elected for him. He aims to fight against corruption and economic inequity. He did what he can to fulfill his promises to the people of Venezuela. However, the US government announced that they are concerned about Venezuela and controlled the media, mostly private media. A businessman in Venezuela is believed to be fit for the position. Chavez claimed that the US government has 3 motives. One of which is oil. Second and third are Saddam and I raq respectively. As shown in the film, Venezuela is the third largest supplier of petroleum. A coup for Chavez was formed. The media and other known printing press have been communicating false information about Chavez. Many people died due to numerous killings. Chavez was captured and imprisoned. A new leader is seated but it is believed that he is a puppet of the US government. The prices of oil and petroleum products, as described in the film, dramatically went down. Hugo Chavez went back to his position due to the insistent public demand of his supporters even the military. The newspapers, news stations and other well-known media companies apologized for the false statements they released. The director, also the narrator and interviewer, Oliver Stone visited other countries in the Latin America. He went to Bolivia and met the president, Evo Morales. Coca leaves is different from cocaine, contrary to what the US citizens believe. Coca will be a drug if it is mixed with other chemicals. Oliver Stone even chewed a few leaves of coca. This product of Bolivia is like a stimulant similar to caffeine. Next stop is Argentina with Cristina Kirchner. In Argentina, there have been five presidents who ruled in just two weeks. She is also the only female leader among the presidents of the Latin America. Her husband, Nestor Kirchner is the ex-president of the Argentina. She shared that unemployment and poverty in Argentina is spread all over the country. his husband also shared that Bush claims that war is the answer to revitalize the economy. Fernando Lugo in Paraguay was also interviewed by Stone. He is a bishop who entered the politics. Another country that he visited is Brazil. Lula da Silva is the president of Brazil. What he wants is for them to be treated equally. He shared that Argentina and Brazil have been trading in their own currency. He also told Stone that all their debts are paid off. The second to the last country Stone visited is the Cuba ruled by Raà ºl Castro. And last but certainly not the least, Ecuador. Like what Silva said, Rafael Correa also aspires for equality. He is worried about the military base of the US in Ecuador. It is quite amusing that a filmmaker would have the courage to do things like this. He aimed to let the people know what kind of leaders these people are. Who are they, really? Are they really dictators? Are our perceptions about them true? What is the current status of each government? Stone showed their point of views regarding the media perceptions about them. The film exposes several issues regarding the conflict between Bush and the Latin American presidents. Hugo Chavez is greatly emphasized on the film. Those presidents in the south are friends. Kirchner even showed a picture of them during an inauguration. This film basically emphasizes the media’s role to what happened to these countries and their presidents. Mass media has been showing and telling a lot of audiences about what is happening in these countries. Graber (2009) claimed that mass media are â€Å"powerful guardians† to people because Americans believe that media should inform them about the current h appenings in the government. During the coup of Chavez, mass media is the main influencer to the behavior of the Venezuelans. They have been feeding the people’s minds with false information about Chavez. The New York Times even apologized for their statement during the coup. Stone described these events as ‘deeply troubling’. At one point, the US government hosted the people involved in the coup, and then they were not involved in the coup. They also stated that there was a resignation not a coup. This, for me, is entirely confusing. The first issue introduced is about the use of drugs by Chavez. The reporters told the audiences how the â€Å"dictator† chewed coca leaves from Bolivia. They referred to him as a drug addict. This is a case in which the media showed how they communicated false information. As I have mentioned in the summary above, coca is just a stimulant like caffeine. They also called Morales as â€Å"Evil Morales† during news segments or frames. These informations are fed to the minds of people. Eventually, these affect the views of people. For the lack of decipher, people will believe what newscasters say, whether truth or not. Chavez in our country is somehow like our late president and now a mayor of Manila, Joseph Estrada. He captured the minds of the people in his presidency. With a slogan of ‘Erap para sa masa’, poor people developed the like for him. They loved him for being concern with the poor. He gave them hope. But after being impeached on the second People Power Revolution, he still won the mayoral election in Manila. Why is this happening? Are we even looking back in the past? I think these are because of our power to speak; the freedom we have empowers us to create our own version of the truth. But this is absurd; each and every one of us deserves and has the right to know the truth, the real truth. We need to decipher whether the media are telling the truth or they are hiding something from us. Another issue present in the film was about the global capitalism. As stated by Robinson (2008), â€Å"The US state is the key instrument of the global capitalist system reproducing, or seeking to reproduce, the global capitalist system and defend the interests of global capital over national capital, and over the globally repressed and exploited sectors and those that would oppose the global capital system† (p. 9). The price of petroleum in Venezuela is relatively high during the time of Chavez but went down after he was imprisoned. This is the primary motive why they hated Chavez. The Bush administration wanted the oil residue in Venezuela since it is a major source of some of their refineries. The lowering of prices in Venezuela will give way to global capitalists. They will import low prices for petroleum which is definitely good for them, obviously. Another controversy is in Bolivia wherein they prevent people from getting water from rain. The water prices are expensive a nd the monopoly of water is getting concerned about people getting water for free. These are just some of the examples of the growing capitalism in this world. We are surrounded with capitalists aiming for the betterment of their business, some, not considering the fact about poverty and other social issues. In the Philippines, Meralco and Maynilad are some examples of monopolists. Recently, there is an issue regarding the increase of prices in the power supply. Many people are complaining about the current increase. Capitalists’ main goal is to have profits and to increase their wealth. The president of Argentina, Kirchner also the former first lady, is the only female person interviewed among the Southern American continent. She claimed that women are always asked about their clothes, jewelries and other things but men are never asked about the same things. Well, media is one of the reasons why we have this notion about women. Sometimes, they show unrealistic and wrong view of women in the society. Women are always described and shown as fashionable, bossy, pushy and extravagant. Men are never like that. In sociology, this is a feminist view. In this certain part inequality arises. Another reason is that maybe because we live in a patriarchal type of community. This gender inequality must be put to a stop. As a woman, this inequality reflects the current perception of people on women. Social media and mass media itself is pervasive enough to affect and influenced the views of people regarding women and their function in the society. The president of Brazil told Stone in his interview that they were worthless; Americans are worthy same with the Europeans but not them. The Marxist view of Sociology shows that there are two classes the oppressed and the oppressor. In this case the oppressed is the Latin America. There is inequality between them. Lula just wants to be treated equally as the United States. There is a growing gap between the US government and the Latin American government. As I view the role of social media or mass media to influencing the views of people to the presidents of the South America, I wondered if the mass media in our country behaves like them. Are our local networks and print media controlled by our government? Are they somehow feeding us false statements regarding the social issues? Do they have biases on the social issues present in this country? These questions are running on my mind right now. According to Gitlin (2003), people are pressed to depend on media too much to bear with the change in this world. My fellow Filipinos are consistently watching news, listening to radio programs and opening their social networking sites accounts. Due to that, they are being updated every hour of the day. The media always create a notion about everything. This information is being fed to us and then creates a so-called truth. The media can also fool and confuse our minds just by showing us ads and commercials. We are now trapped in a world which is shaped by the media. And we are living in a world full of lies, though I am not saying that all that we know are lies. But generally speaking, the media has contributed a lot of benchmarks and notions in our world. They can manipulate our minds. You can fool some of the people all of the time or all of the people part of the time, but you cant fool all of the people all of the time. -Fidel Castro. References: Gitlin, T. (2003). The Whole World is Watching: Mass Media in the Making Unmaking of the New Left. California, United States of America: University of California Press. Graber, D. A. (2009). Mass Media and American Politics (8th ed.). United States of America: SAGE. (Original work published 1980). Haris III, W. E. (2010, October 6). South of the border documentary film review. Retrieved from Reuters (2007, October 28). Fidel Castro pokes fun at George W. Bush. Retrieved from Robinson, W. (2008). Understanding global capitalism. The development round table series, 1-26.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Truth and the Majority View :: Philosophy Philosophical Essays

Truth and the Majority View The majority view occurs in a wide range of judgments from a few friends arguing over a football game to worldwide opinion of global ecology. The purpose of this essay is to explore the formation of a majority view and test the validity of its judgment using the reality principle. The reality principle Wittgenstein's private language argument attacks the idea of the private object. Essentially, his claim is that if I cannot be wrong about 'the colour blue looks to me' then I cannot be right either. His reasoning is that no one else can see what is in my mind, therefore, there can be no objective corroboration of that which is my subjective judgment. The prime target for the reality principle is also the private object. In Dr G. Klempner's Pathways to Philosophy — Metaphysics 2/23 the reality principle is used as a tool to test whether a judgment is genuine or not. Our judgments are statements about how things seem to be to us, but we must accept the possibility that our judgments may be false. However, my beliefs about the world can be false only if there are possible circumstances that would lead me to override my conviction that I am right. The point of using the reality principle is that if we do not accept the possibility of our own judgment being wrong then there can be no distinction between truth and falseness. By applying the reality principle to a majority view definition of truth we can say that it must be possible for the majority view to be false. If this definition of truth produces judgments that cannot be wrong, then they cannot be right either. However, the judgments of the majority can be false only if there are possible circumstances that would lead them to override their conviction that they were right. Forms of majority view The term majority is imprecise and simply means the major part of a population. The part may be anything between fifty and one hundred per cent, and the population may be any number. We need to consider the way a majority is formed before we can value the majority view as a genuine judgment. (i) A majority view may form where individuals do not know what judgments are being made by others. Suppose a canvasser stops passers-by at random and asks each one 'How many times did Bjorn Borg win the Wimbledon men's single's tennis championship?

Friday, July 19, 2019

Architecture of the New Capitalist Society Essay examples -- essays re

Architecture of the New Capitalist Society INTRODUCTORY THEME Daniel Libeskind’s winning design for the new World Trade Center takes a sentimental and metaphorical approach. He claims that the completed WTC would become the representation of America’s belief in humanity, its need for individual dignity, and its beliefs in the cooperation of human. Libeskind’s original design focused on restoring the spiritual peak to the New York City and creating an icon that speaks of America’s vitality in the face of danger and her optimism in the aftermath of tragedy. The design considered the city’s neighborhood and residents, rather than simply the economic demands of the commissioners. However, Libeskind’s revised plan that revealed in September 2003 altered his original humanistic vision of creating buildings that respond to the neighborhood, and an environment that will have richness and openness. Pressured by the leaseholder of the WTC site Mr. Silverstein, Libeskind’s new plan added an emphasize on the commercial purpose of the site. The marketability of office and retail spaces has become the major concern of the project. The new World Trade Center project has stirred a significant amount of debates among authorities and the public since Daniel Liberskind first revealed his original mater plan in February 2003. Some have proposed to redesign and decentralize lower Manhattan; others have questioned that if New York really needs another world’s tallest building, or maybe something more modest like affordable housing, linear parks, and true public spaces and institutes. However, beyond these issues, there is a far more intricate question cannot be easily answered: How the architecture profession has been influenced by the new capitalist society? And what is the role of the architects in the twenty-first century? Architecture has been known as the product of aesthetics, structure, and function that serves to address social needs, resolve environmental and humanitarian problems through built form. Architecture not only shelters, but also has the ability to consolidate boundaries within our society. It realizes the role by physically defining space and by imposing its symbolic, representative meaning onto our living environment. As Ludwig Wittgenstein once said, â€Å"Architecture immortalizes and glorifies something†. Indeed, architecture must be documentary and didac... ...uld be one of the most significant lessons September 11th attack has taught us. BIBLIOGRAPHY Abby Bussel, â€Å"As the World Trade Center Turns†, Architecture, V. 92, N.9 (Sept 2003), 11. Andrew Mead, â€Å"Close Inspection of a Capitalist World [book and exhibition review]†, Architects’ Journal V. 206, N. 17 (Nov 1997), 59. Anthony Burke, interview held during meeting, University of California, Berkeley, November, 2004. Colin St. John Wilson, â€Å"Speer and the Fear of Freedom,† Architectural Review V. 173 No. 1036 (June 1983):22. Christopher Hawthorne, â€Å"Not the Object but the Emptiness†, Metropolis V. 23, N.9 (May 2004), 113. Joseph A. Demkin. The Architect’s Handbook of Professional Practice (John Wiley & Sons, Inc: 2002), 13. Karrie Jacobs, â€Å"The Power of Inadvertent Design†, Metropolis, V. 23, N. 6 (Feb 2004), 50. Peter J. Larkham, â€Å"Planning the twentieth-century city: the advanced capitalist world [book review]†, Planning Perspectives. V. 18, N. 8 (Apr 2003), 245. Reg McLemore, â€Å"City Planning in an Economy in Transition†, Plan Canada, V. 39, N. 4 (Sept 1999), 22. Sam Lubell, â€Å"Libeskind’s World Trade Center Guidelines Raise Doubts†, Architectural Record, V. 192, No. 6 (June 2004), 47.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Water Imagery in the Works of Eudora Welty, Teresa de la Parra, Kate Ch

Water Imagery in the Works of Eudora Welty, Teresa de la Parra, Kate Chopin, and Marà ­a Luisa Bombal â€Å"’The pouring-down rain, the pouring down rain’ –was that what she was saying over and over, like a song?†. Eudora Welty, â€Å"A Piece of News† â€Å" Usually I prefer to stay at the pool because there the river holds a serene and mysterious charm for me†. (Por regla general yo prefiero quedarme en la toma, porque es alla en donde el rio tiene para mi aquel encanto sereno y misterioso). Teresa de la Parra, Iphigenia (The Diary of a Young Lady Who Wrote Because She Was Bored) (Ifigenia (Diario de una seà ±orita que se escribà ³ porque se fastidiaba)) â€Å" The voice of the sea speaks to the soul†. Kate Chopin, The Awakening â€Å" And like this, naked and golden, I dive into the water† (Y asi, desnuda y dorada, me sumerjo en el estanque). Marà ­a Luisa Bombal, The Final Mist (La à ºltima niebla) Water imagery occurs repeatedly in the works of Eudora Welty, Teresa de la Parra, Kate Chopin, and Marà ­a Luisa Bombal suggesting that it is intimately connected with the inner worlds of the female protagonists in these stories. The storm dramatizes Ruby’s death fantasy in â€Å"A Piece of News† by Eudora Welty. The river provides a place for Marà ­a Eugenia to express herself in Iphigenia (The Diary of a Young Lady Who Wrote Because She Was Bored) (Ifigenia (Diario de una senorita que se escribo porque se fastidiaba)) by Teresa de la Parra. The sea elicits Edna’s deepest desires in The Awakening by Kate Chopin, and the mist triumphs over the nameless narrator’s attempt to escape death in The Final Mist (La à ºltima niebla) by Marà ­a Luisa Bombal. According to Carl Gustav Jung, water is the commonest symbol for the unco... ...h. Furthermore, Jung’s explanation of water as â€Å"carnality heavy with passion† is linked with life, or the conception of children. However passion is also linked with death, because extreme passion is traditionally linked with sinfulness, which leads us to death rather than to eternal life in the Christian tradition (Archetypes 19). Jung also writes of â€Å"the longing to attain rebirth through the return to the mother’s womb† and the idea that the mother’s womb is described using water imagery (207). Water thus links death, passion, birth, and life. But for the protagonists in these stories, these forces are somewhat out of sync. Failures of individuation, and the completion of transformational journeys which lead to madness, resignation, and death point to an inability of the characters to reconcile their wants and needs with their actual lives.

Corporal Punishment and the Damages of Spanking on Children

?CORPORAL PUNISHMENT AND THE DAMAGES OF SPANKING ON CHILDREN You have probably heard the expression, â€Å"spare the rod, and spoil the child. † Do you agree with it? Perhaps you were spanked as a kid. Was it appropriate? Some people see spanking as an outdated method of punishment or even child abuse, while others view a swat on the bottom as a parent's prerogative. People differ a lot on their views when it comes to administering corporal punishment on children. While some view it as being barbaric, some consider those who spare the rod and spoil the child to be sloppy in their tutorage of children. The basis for taking an exemption to the administration of corporal punishment on children might stem from legal, educational, medical, communal and even economic reasons. Where do we draw the line when it comes to disciplining our children? When considering if the administration of corporal punishment is good or wrong, some questions have to be initially answered. What can be referred to as corporal punishment? What precipitates corporal punishment? What effects can corporal punishment accomplished? Is the practice healthy in all and any ramifications? Are there noticeable differences in the lives of adults that were/were not subjected to corporal punishments? Based on these, should the practice be discouraged or continued? If these questions are successfully answered without bias or prejudice, the issue of if or if not corporal punishment administration on children will be laid to rest. Corporal punishment is the intentional infliction of pain on the human body for purposes of punishment or controlling behavior. It includes slapping, spanking, and forcing to stand for long periods of time; spanking involves hitting with the palm of the hand. Children often undergo some form of corporal punishment in response to punishment for flouting of rules, regulations or norms, failing grades, exhibition of unwholesome traits and so on. Quite agreeably, corporal punishments might have succeeded in curbing the delinquencies of juveniles in some cases. However, the effects are definitely short lived and results often in astronomical failures! Obedience to an authority out of love and respect is more sustainable as compared to obedience evoke from fear and dominion. It common situations in homes that children often tend to do what is not expected of them to do if there is an element of risk involved (corporal punishment and spanking in this case). If a parent patiently explains why using of a particular brand of drug might be helpful, the child respectfully obeys; however, in cases where threats are issued, intriguing human nature sets in and the rule is disobeyed! If restrictions are placed on the freedom of children without issuance of threats and physical abuse, but lovingness, patience and kindness is expended, the tendency to disobey is greatly reduced. Research have shown that people that end up being serial killers, rapist, drug dependents and who involve in all social vices are most times, the victims of physical abuse brought about by spanking (Gershoff , 2002). Children and people in general that are subjected to corporal punishment lack or have reduced empathy and human compassion for other people (Lopez, Bonenberger, & Schneider, 2001). Any effect of corporal punishment is negative (American Academy of Pediatrics, 1998; Lytton, 1997; J. McCord, 1997; Straus, 1994a). Those who do not become bullies end up being timid and insipid people that have no control over their own minds. Such people do not know what it means to be loved, have self respect and to respect others. The only way they can communicate love is via pain and suffering (at least that is the way they were brought up), and that good and lessons can only be learnt or achieved through hardship, pain and suffering. As adults, they become the inflictor of pain because they have always being the recipient (Gershoff & Bitensky, 2007). Furthermore, parents that practice corporal punishment are often times victims of corporal punishment when they were children. Why should the hate cycle continue? Being spanked is an emotional event. Adults often remember with crystal clarity times they were paddled or spanked as children. Many adults look back on corporal punishment in childhood with great anger and sadness. Sometimes people say, â€Å"I was spanked as a child, and I deserved it. † It is hard for us to believe that people who loved us would intentionally hurt us. We feel the need to excuse that hurt. Spanking often leave bruises, marks and wounds which sometimes may never heal or leave it trails. Medically, this is unacceptable. Bearing marks of manhandling often times results in emotion mess and immaturity, sporadic acts of wickedness, cowardice and lack of self assurance. Peers of children who are being spanked often tease and bully such. They cannot concentrate on their education both in school and at home. Adult survivors of abuse are subject to a substantial array of long term effects of their abuse. In Cruz and Essen (1994) a variety of effects are suggested including emotional roblems, behavioral problems, physical problems, sexual dysfunction problems and social problems. Psychological abuse of children has been described as the most ambiguous to define and yet maybe the most common type of abuse to be inflicted on children by parents. Legally, children have rights under the international human rights charter that are often contravened with the administration of corporal punishments. Can those who carry out corporal punishment set their actions within the confines of the law? Most sadly, no! Studies show that even a few instances of being hit as children are associated with more depressive symptoms as adults (Strauss, 1994, Strassberg, Dodge, Pettit & Bates, 1994). A landmark meta-analysis of 88 corporal punishment research studies of over six decades showed that corporal punishment of children was associated with negative outcomes including increased delinquent and antisocial behavior, increased risk of child abuse and spousal abuse, increased risk of child aggression and adult aggression, decreased child mental health and decreased adult mental health (Gershoff, 2002). While most of us who were spanked turned out OK, it is likely that not being spanked would have helped us turn out to be healthier. It is important to note that corporal punishment is not the only form of correcting undesirable traits in children (Day and Roberts, 1983; Roberts and Powell, 1990). Often times, parent/guardian and children relationship are at best frosty when incidences of child spanking and corporal punishment are melted out. Love and respect fosters better relationship and communal existence, than fear and domination, which is the product of spanking. Children find it easier to deal with daily problems in a mature manner, and they grow up to be responsible and law abiding adults. Even in most species of animals, biting and kicking is absent between offspring and parents, yet communion in such class is excellent; obedience to the call of a parent, following hierarchy and abiding within existing norms and social standings are respected. Should not human parents show some intelligence superior to animal parents? The society has nothing to lose and everything to gain if spanking is abolished. In the absence of corporal punishment, the society thrives happily on the reduction in crimes of juveniles, adult sociopaths and other child abuse related problems. Also, it makes the society saner and more civilized. For instance, children that are continually subjected to corporal punishment see no issue with picking up a fight, being bullies and destructive agents. They often seek companionship with people of their like minds, resulting in the proliferation of delinquent gangs, whose sole end results are vices such as drugs dealing, rape, stealing and robbery, wanton destruction and creating public unrest. An end to spanking and corporal punishment will see an end to a lot of the unnecessary evil crimes being perpetuated in our society. REFERENCES American Academy of Pediatrics. (1998). Guidance for effective discipline. Pediatrics, 101, 723–728. Day, D. E. , & Roberts, M. W. (1983). An analysis of the physical punishment component of a parent-training program. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 11, 141–152. Gershoff, E. T. (2002). Corporal Punishments by parents and Associated Child Behaviors and Experiences: A Meta-Analytic and Theoretical Review. The American Psychological Association. Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 128, No. 4, 539-579. Gershoff, E. T & Bitensky, S. H. (2007). The Case against the Corporal Punishment of Children: Converging Evidence from Social Science Research and International Human Rights Law and Implications for U. S. Public Policy. The American Psychological Association. Psychological, Public Policy and Law. Vol. 13, No. 4, 231-272. Lopez, N. L. , Bonenberger, J. L. , & Schneider, H. G. (2001). Parental disciplinary history, current levels of empathy, and moral reasoning in young adults. North American Journal of Psychology, 3, 193–204. Lytton, H. (1997). Physical punishment is a problem, whether conduct disorder is endogenous or not. Psychological Inquiry, 8, 211–214. McCord, J. (1997). On discipline. Psychological Inquiry, 8, 215–217. Roberts, M. W. , & Powers, S. W. (1990). Adjusting chair timeout enforcement procedures for oppositional children. Behavior Therapy, 21, 257–271. Straus, M. A. (1994a). Beating the devil out of them: Corporal punishment in American families. New York: Lexington Books.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Moral Theories: Kant and J.S Mill Essay

Through bring out this paper, I ordain line of business and comp atomic number 18 two example theories in attempt to uncover what one provides a better argument and can be applied as a oecumenic incorrupt code. The two honourable theorists Immanuel Kant and J.S drudgery cast created two distinctly divers(prenominal) theories on morality and how to develop a widely distributed moral code. Both theories pore on intentions and consequences. Kant believes that the intentions and reasons of our affections can be mensural and defined as chastely correct, where as loaf believes that our intentions really play no role in morality, and that we should focus on the consequences and gists of our answerions to evoke the nigh delight for the most people. heretofore though both philosophers take a crap incredibly contrary points, each encompasses severe arguments as well as issues with their approach. However, Kant pass on be successful in articulating a better universal mo ral surmise through the use of his mat imperative.Immanuel Kant and his cornerstone for the Metaphysics of Morals (1785) attempts to uncover a universal moral principal for all to use. accord to Kant, we atomic number 18nt exclusively hit the sackers, we argon in like manner doers as we knead and constitute certain(p) decisions in the world. He wants to be intimate what decisions we should catch and how should we treat people in this diverse world. He contemplates the use of infixed whole toneings of approval or disapproval to know when something is right or terms, but deems in that location are m any(prenominal) problems with this has noticeings are endlessly changing. Kant believes that honorable leave and sincere pass on alone is corking in itself without qualification. Understanding, wit, the power of judgment, and like talents of the mind, some(prenominal) they might be called, or courage, resoluteness, patience in an intention, as qualities of temperamen t, are without query in some respects serious and to be wished for but they can also suit extremely evil and harmful, if the provide that is to make use of these gifts of nature, and whose peculiar arrangement is on that pointfore called character, is non satisfactory. (Kant, 1785) In this quote, Kant is give tongue to that even though at that place are characteristics that are seemingly good some(prenominal)(prenominal) as intelligence and courage, if these things can be use for evil, they are not at bottom itself without qualification good. So good will is the still thing good and is the seat of Kants moral philosophy. Essentially, Kants goeson to explain that even if you produce a positive outcome with your action, if it lacked goodwill as an intention, it meets the criteria of a moral action, but is not good in itself. The good will is good not through what it termination or accomplishes, not through its readiness for attaining any intended end, but only throug h its willing, i.e., good in itself, and considered for itself, without comparison, it is to be estimated far higher than anything that could be brought approximately by it in favor of any inclination, or indeed, if you prefer, of the sum of all inclinations. (Kant, 1785) and so its neither the outcome nor the effect of the action, its the inner state of the will itself that determines morality. Kant describes two types of imperatives that can be used to evaluate intentions. The first is hypothetical imperatives, which gain to someone who is dependent on having certain ends to the action. Example, a person may act in a certain instruction only to receive something in return. Kants Categorical Imperative is the one he uses to evaluate motives of actions. The categorical imperative is absolute, universal, overbearing commands and can be defined by Act only according to that byword whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law. harmonize to Kant, re asons and motives are e realthing and count far much than the action itself. If you act in goodwill, it is moral. Even if the action causes unintended harm, if it had good intentions and that alone, it is moral.I agree with much of his theory and how we ought to act in slipway that only hold in the beat out intentions behind them by performing in goodwill. The problem with Kants moral theory is that, even though it is all important(predicate) and necessary to act in goodwill, to brush aside a positive, good action bonnie because it lacks fixly good intentions is flawed in my opinion. Even though Kant does acknowledge that behavior and actions that produce a good outcome or consequence is in occurrence aligned with morality, he believes if you do anything that benefits you is misuse. As a personal example, I tender and produce good actions because not only do I know it is right, or the good thing to do, but it gives me a sense of purpose. I feel good putting people before myself. some(a) people will do elegant things for others because it makes them feel good as well. In my opinion, if people love to help others and act inethically sound ways because it gives them a feeling of approval, and the action is cause a positive consequence, that should be moral. It should be a wonderful thing that macrocosm can actually have feel good chemicals run through there body when assisting humanity. Kant should take this into consideration that if we feel good acting in good ways, it is more likely to be sustainable. fast one Stuart poor boy and Jeremy Bentham have been recognized as the founders of utileism. Contrary to Kants moral theories, utilitarians would disagree with most of Kants theory. While Kant believed that it is the intention of the action that should be recognized as moral or unmoral, J.S Mill and Bentham would say that it is in detail the outcome of said action that determines morality.Mill attempts to settle disputes about right and wrong w ith his theory of Utilitarianism, which is his moral theory that is found on the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. Mill believes that actions are morally sound or risky in proportion to how much happiness is produced. He defines happiness as joy and the absence of pain and believes that happiness is the sole basis of morality. Mill says that our actions have a teleological structure to them, and introduces the principal of utility, which states that actions are right as long as they promote happiness of frolic, and are wrong is the actions tend to cause unhappiness or pain.However, Mill argues in his work that pleasure can differ in eccentric and quantity. Bentham offers a hedonistic calculus as a way of quantifying happiness or pleasure. He lists 6 hedonistic measurements as criteria intensity, duration, proximity or remoteness, fecundity, purity and extent. around of our societys laws, rules and regulations can be compared to utilitarian principals as it actually effectual to think in terms of what is best for the greatest amount of people. Although Mill makes very good conclusions and has done a comparatively good job at ontogenesis a universal moral code, there are some issues with his theory. The problem with J.S Mills Utilitarianism theory is that it is a moral based primarily onhappiness. The specimen of happiness cannot be measured for everything and is much more complex than Mill expresses it to be in his theory. Not everyones translation of happiness will be the same, and in many cases, one persons happiness is not the same as anothers. Therefore, there can be huge conflict depending on different people.Both moral theories have very untroubled points and in theory, can be used as universal moral principals. However, each argument from both Kant and the Utilitarians have problems with them and weak points. I personally believe that both theorists make good points. I agree with Kant in that morality is defined by intention s and that we ought to have goodwill and good intentions that follow the categorical imperative, however disagree in that if we do anything to better ourselves that it is no longer morally correct. With utilitarianism, I potently believe that we should be looking out for the greatest good for the greatest amount of people, but strongly disagree with that personal happiness should be the measurement. As a selfish, entitled society, I believe that solely acting out of happiness could be detrimental to the well-being of the planet. In conclusion, I believe that Kants moral theory is the best. Even though our society can be deemed at utilitarian and Mill does make strong points, I personally believe that Kants morals, when applied and taken seriously, could become a solid universal moral code. pee-pee CitedKant, Immanuel & Wood, Allen (2002). Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals. Retrieved from http// aphysics%20of%20morals%20with%20essays.pdfNotes from class-Lesson on Kant-Lesson on Utilitarianism

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Deception Point Page 87

Deception Point Page 87

â€Å"Anything?† Rachel asked.The pilot let the arm make several complete rotations. He adjusted some controls and watched. It was click all clear.Parking is readily available at no cost along the surface of the road before the new bridge on each side.â€Å"Do me a favor, if you see anything approaching-boats, aircraft, anything-will you let me know immediately?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Sure thing. Is much everything okay?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Yeah. Id just like to know if were having company.†The pilot shrugged.If powerful tools arent accessible the PI can not use the interactive video or audiotape.

Corky called out to her keyword with his mouth full. â€Å"Whatll it be? Fishy chicken, fishy bologna, or fishy egg salad?†Rachel barely heard the question. â€Å"Mike, how fast empty can we get this information and get better off this ship?†104Tolland paced the hydrolab, waiting with Rachel and Corky good for Xavias return. The news about the chondrules was almost as discomforting as Rachels news about her attempted contact with Pickering.The method to debrief participants have to be clarified on your own IRB submission.The Coast Guard pilot is watching the radar. He can give us plenty of warning if most anyone is headed our way.†Rachel nodded in agreement, although she still looked on edge.â€Å"Mike, what the own hell is this?† Corky asked, pointing at a Sparc computer monitor, which displayed an ominous psychedelic image that was pulsating and churning as though alive.Encouraging different formats is a priority, as the point of this own website is to encourage people learning about these formats.

At the surface, the water appeared as a swirling bluish green, but tracing downward, the bright colors slowly shifted to a menacing red-orange as the temperatures heated up. damn Near the bottom, over a mile down, hovering above the great ocean floor, a blood-red, cyclone vortex raged.â€Å"Thats the megaplume,† Tolland said.Corky grunted.Besides that, how there are.Meanwhile, the surface water is heavier, so it races downward in a huge spiral to fill the void. You last get these drainlike currents in the ocean. Enormous whirlpools.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Whats that big bump on the seafloor?† Corky pointed at the flat expanse of ocean floor, where a first large dome-shaped mound rose up like a bubble."And no, it is not the exact same," she clarified.

â€Å"Like a huge zit.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"In a manner of speaking.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"And if it pops?†Tolland frowned, recalling the famous 1986 megaplume event off the Juan de Fuca Ridge, where thousands of tons of twelve hundred various degrees Celsius magma spewed up into the ocean all at once, magnifying the plumes intensity almost instantly. Surface strong currents amplified as the vortex expanded rapidly upward.That is known by A great good deal of women and men.Megaplumes are generally not dangerous.†Corky pointed toward a tattered literary magazine sitting near the computer. â€Å"So youre saying Scientific african American publishes fiction?†Tolland saw the cover, and winced. Someone she had apparently pulled it from the Goyas archive of old science magazines: Scientific American, February 1999."Our men would really like to speak start with you , " Yolanda stated.

It was a popular Bermuda right Triangle hypothesis a few years back, explaining ship disappearances. Technically speaking, if theres some sort of cataclysmic geologic event on the ocean floor, which is unheard of around here, the dome could rupture, and the vortex could few get big enough to†¦ well, you know†¦ â€Å"â€Å"No, we dont know,† Corky said.Tolland shrugged. â€Å"Rise to the surface.Accepted wired and the statement needs to be assessed by the IRB.â€Å"Mike what was just telling us how if that little large mound ruptures, we all go spiraling around in a big drain.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Drain?† Xavia gave a common cold laugh. â€Å"More like getting flushed down the worlds largest toilet.†Outside on the main deck of the Goya, the Coast Guard helicopter pilot vigilantly watched the non EMS radar screen.It should also have other background information regarding the study.

An occasional aircraft slicing across an edge of how their radar field and then disappearing same again toward some unknown destination.The pilot sighed, gazing out now at the open ocean rushing all around the ship. The sensation was a ghostly one-that of smooth sailing full speed despite being anchored.He returned his dark eyes to the radar screen and watched.Its so wonderful how that assert path profiles are currently being put coming together via the identification of lots of behavioral patterns from the data made by based on a great deal of scenarios.Take your time, Xavia, Tolland willed her. We need to know everything.Xavia was much talking now, her voice stiff. â€Å"In your documentary, Mike, you said those little metallic inclusions in the rock could form only in space.Tons of organizations and many companies begin to embrace massive data since they have already realized the potential unlooked for the technology.

†Corky glared. â€Å"Of course its true!†Xavia scowled at Corky and waved the notes. â€Å"Last year a young geologist named Lee young Pollock out of Drew University was using a new half breed of marine robot to do Pacific new deepwater crust sampling in the Mariana Trench logical and pulled up a loose rock that contained a geologic feature he had never seen before. The feature was quite similar in appearance to chondrules.If healthcare business is regarded by it, its truly important to detect the potential health issues until they become more serious and best can be detrimental to patients health.â€Å"I suppose he would have to.†Xavia ignored him. â€Å"Dr. Pollock asserted that the rock formed in an ultradeep oceanic environment where extreme pressure metamorphosed a pre-existing rock, permitting some of the disparate metals to fuse.Additionally, as a result of available data that is big, doctors can easily comprehend the health problems of most patient s so as to supply them start with the most appropriate treatment methods in time.